News archive


December 21, 2022

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.9 is available for purchasing and download.

More information about new release can be found in release notes document. The release notes document is located on download page.

May 23, 2021

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.9 is being prepared for release. The release is planned on 4th quarter of 2021 year. It will include the following major features:

March 31, 2021

Virtual Storage Device Emulator version 1.3 is available for purchasing. Trial version of the product is available on request.

More information about new release can be found in release notes document. The release notes document is located on download page.

January 15, 2021

Virtual Storage Device Emulator version 1.3 is being prepared for release. The release is planned on 1st quarter of 2021 year. It will include the following major features:

October 13, 2020

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.8 is available for purchasing and download.

New features: Windows Server 2019 support. Disk: Prevent Allow Medium Removal (1Eh) command. Media changer: Exchange Medium (A6h) command, TapeAlert Supported Flags (B2h) VPD page, Extended Device Capabilities (1Fh/41h) mode page. Tape drive: Logical Block Protection (B5h) VPD page. Multi-media: Mechanism Status (BDh) command, Load/Unload Medium (A6h) command, Read Disc Structure (ADh) command, Read Format Capacities (23h), Format Unit (04h) command, Read CD (BEh) command, Read CD MSF (B9h) command. Processor: Receive (08h) command, Send (0Ah) command. Shared commands: Release (6) (17h) command, Reserve (6) (16h) command, Release (10) (57h) command, Reserve (10) (56h) command.

Improvements: More correct parsing of received mode data in case when mode data are present in the buffer only partially. Printing of log parameter names in device log for known log parameters. Printing of log parameter values in device log for media changer log parameters. Support of variable length binary attribute value for Write Attribute (8Dh) SCSI command. Option "Allow SCSI commands for all device types" allows execution of device type specific commands for all device types. Printing of ASCII and TEXT medium auxiliary memory attribute values in binary form in device log window. Save Disk Image service procedure can save CD/DVD/BD medium image for multi-media device. Showing the percentage of completness in Disk LBA Map Test service procedure. For Disk Performance Test, Disk Read Test, Disk Write Test, and Disk LBA Map Test service procedures zero number of blocks per transfer is translated into optimal value. The startup script feature has been removed permanently as potentially dangerous.

Bug fixes: Problem with incorrect data buffer alignment when SCSI command transfers data to/from device. New device object name and other parameters are not recognized during "refresh hardware" operation. Failure in hardware management service during adapter enumeration when SCSI ports numbers are not sequential. SCSI Chip Test service procedure stops on first read/write error instead of counting errors and continue.

May 3, 2020

Virtual Storage Device Emulator version 1.2 is available. Trial version of the product is available on request.

New features: Windows Server 2019 support, iSCSI transport support, support of Rigid Disk Device Geometry (04h) mode page for disk devices, support of Flexible Disk (05h) mode page for disk devices, support of Prevent Allow Medium Removal (1Eh) command support for disk devices, emulation of sequential access device (tape drive), emulation of media changer device.

May 12, 2019

Virtual Storage Device Emulator product is being prepared for release.

New release will include the following major features:

March 9, 2019

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.7 is available for purchasing and download.

New features: Changer management interactive tool, Disk block editor interactive tool, Disk Bad Block Scan service procedure, Save Disk Logical Blocks service procedure, Restore Disk Logical Blocks service procedure, Clear Device Logs service procedure, support of Control Data Protection (0Ah/F0h) mode page for tape drive (SSC) device, support of Device Configuration Extension (10h/01h) mode page for tape drive (SSC) device, support of Informational Exceptions Control (1Ch) mode page for tape drive (SSC) device.

Improvements and bug fixes: insert/overwrite (INS/OVR) edit mode indicator on main window status bar, Support of Error History buffer mode for Read Buffer (10) (3Ch) SCSI command, Support of Cache bit for Read Attribute (8Ch) SCSI command, support of Write-through cache (WTC) and zero attribute length for Write Attribute (8Dh) SCSI command, binary edit control supports selection and undo edit operations.

January 28, 2018

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.6 is available for purchasing and download. New features include test procedures and full tape drive command set (SSC-4) support. Improvements and bug fixes.

October 4, 2017

SCSI Pass Through JNI Helper version 1.5 software package is available for download. Support of Linux operating system platform is added.

July 29, 2017

Chobik SCSI Programming Interface version 1.0 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

August 8, 2016

Virtual Storage Device Emulator version 1.0 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

November 15, 2015

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.5 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

July 14, 2015

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.4 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

March 2, 2015

The version 1.3 of SCSI Pass Through JNI software package is available for download. The distribution file includes binary modules as well as compiled MSI-files. The package source code is also available for download.

October 29, 2014

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.3 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

September 25, 2014

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.2 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

February 14, 2013

SCSI CLI for ASPI version 1.3 is available for purchase. The trial version of the product is available for download on request.

August 13, 2012

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.1 is available for purchase. The demonstration version of the product is available for download. The trial version of the product is available upon request.

December 5, 2011

SCSI CLI for ASPI version 1.2 is available for purchase. The trial version of the product is available for download on request.

September 12, 2011

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.0 is available.

October 21, 2008

Visual SCSI Explorer version 2.0 is being prepared for release.

January 07, 2008

Visual SCSI Explorer version 1.4 is available.

January 04, 2007

Visual SCSI Explorer version 1.4 is being prepared for release.

October 26, 2006

Visual SCSI Explorer version 1.3 is available.

August 14, 2006

Visual SCSI Explorer version 1.3 is being prepared for release.

April 11, 2006

Visual SCSI Explorer version 1.2 is available.

October 19, 2005

The version 1.2 of SCSI Pass Through JNI software package is available for download.